Support Local Madison Businesses this Holiday Season

How to shop local Madison for all your Christmas gifts this year! 🛍

Kick off your Madison holiday shopping this weekend on Small Business Saturday! Here are a few of my favorites to check out!

-Shop for your favorite foodie by picking up a local gift card to a popular local restaurant (or 2)! Another fun idea is to gift this as an experience to someone you love and make a night of it! Pick 3 places to "gift" the person and stop at one for a drink (maybe, @mintmarkmadison), then for an app @barcorallini, and finally @piginafurcoat for dinner! I like to call it the Willy Street foodie crawl 😋

-Another favorite spot for fun home accessories and gifts is @linenandclove! They have the best seasonal decor and home staples!!!

-For the "Me Time" Obsessed, pick up a gift card for a facial or other fun "necessities" at @nurturher_aesthetics

-For the ladies in your life, a paint and sip night at @wndmadisonwi would be so much fun they'll be talking about it forever!

-For the home chef, you have to swing by @alimentarimadison! Specialty foods, bar must haves, and then you have another reason to grab dinner for yourself to go!

These are only a few of the many great options locally! Comment below if I missed your favorite local shop!

Christine CooperComment